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Janet Cosby, Director of Religious Education 

(w)215-386-5065 or (c) 267-255-2965


PREP: St. Ignatius has a PREP program: That stands for Parish Religious Education Program and it is for every baptized child of the parish who does not attend Catholic school in grades K-6. PREP is held on Sundays after Mass in the school building for approximately 75 minutes. Please remember that all children who want to prepare for the sacraments must attend regular classes. Our PREP program strives to share the love of God with our children while teaching them about our Catholic faith so they may live their lives as true disciples of Christ.

Rite of Christian Intiation for Children

RCIC- Rite of Christian Initiation for children. This is for any child age 8 or older who has not been baptized and needs to prepare for the sacraments. Special classes will be available for this group.


This is for every child preparing to receive the Sacraments of First Reconciliation/First Eucharist or the Sacrament of Confirmation. These classes are for both Catholic school and public school kids and are in addition to the regular PREP Sunday classes. We want to make sure that every child is properly prepared to receive the Sacraments. These classes are held on Saturday mornings and will include some parent participation. Please contact Jennifer Simmons to register or for more details.


Children's Liturgy of the Word (CLW) is a program that invites school-aged children (kindergarten through grade 5) to leave the larger parish assembly during Mass to celebrate a concurrent Liturgy of the Word. The children return to the main parish assembly for the Liturgy of the Eucharist. The children experience the same readings and rituals as the larger parish assembly, but use a special children's lectionary with an explanation geared for their age group. CLW is held during the school year. Occasionally, there will be no CLW, most often when something special (e.g., the Passion, First Communion) is taking place during the Mass that we do not want children to miss. CLW does NOT take the place of the PREP program.

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