The Ministries of St. Ignatius of Loyola
Get Involved at our vibrant parish!

The Knights & Ladies of St. Peter Claver
The Knights of Peter Claver, Inc. is the largest historically African-American Catholic lay organization in the United States. The Order is named for St. Peter Claver, the Spanish Priest who ministered to African slaves. The Order was originally founded November 7, 1909 in Mobile, Alabama as an organization to allow men of color membership in a Catholic fraternal society. The organization was incorporated July 12, 1911 at Mobile, Alabama. In 1926, under the leadership of the KPC National Council, the ladies answered the call to organize and establish the Knights of Peter Claver, Ladies Auxiliary. Our Junior Division welcomes Catholic youth between the ages of 7-18. They are organized using the same structure of the Senior Division. There is a Junior Supreme Knight, Junior Supreme Lady, along with Junior District or State Presidents and Officers. Interested youth must have made their First Holy Communion. Our organization consists of six Divisions: Knights of Peter Claver, Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary, Junior Knights, Junior Daughters, 4th Degree Knights and Ladies of Grace. Our purpose is to render service to God and His Holy Church, render aid and assistance to the sick and disabled, and promote social and intellectual association among our members.
Legion of Mary
The Legion of Mary is the largest apostolic organization of lay people in the Catholic Church with over 2 million active members in most every country in the world. Working through the spirit of Mary, legionaries respond to the spiritual needs of their community. Legion works evangelization, visiting the sick and shut-ins, youth work and other spiritual services as requested by the pastor. There are two principle types of membership: active and auxiliary. Active members attend meetings, carry out Legion assignments and pray daily. Auxiliary members are not required to attend meetings or carry out works however; they are invited to all Legion functions and support the active members by saying the Legion prayers daily.
Our Lady of Africa, Queen of Peace Association
Our Mission as Africans is to unite all Africans and Americans together to practice our faith by worshipping God in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and in honor of the Blessed Mother according to our culture. We seek to keep our culture alive and to incorporate our Catholic faith with those who also seek in celebrating and sharing our faith as we grow together as God’s family.
Consolation Committee
Consolation Ministry Mission Statement: To see each family as an extension of St. Ignatius Church Family. To provide support and nurturing as ministers of comfort under the guidance and direction of the Pastor. To be a presence as Christ is in each of us. Meet with the family and provide assistance in planning the funeral or wake service and when possible to assist at the services for the deceased.
Women’s Day Committee
The Women's Day committee consist of all the Women of Saint Ignatius of Loyola Roman Catholic Church. We have united together to acknowledge and honor ALL women living and deceased: Mothers, daughters, ancestors, faithful religious, lay ministers, leaders, teachers, and youth. The Women's Day committee is an active ministry within the Church that upholds the principles of the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and strives to be living examples of God's Love within our church and community for our youth. We seek to be a supportive voice for our Pastor. We are Faithful and Faith-Filled in projects that we plan and carry out, as we strive to support our Pastor and faith community through fund raising events.
The Paschal Supper Committee
The Paschal Supper Committee - prepares for the annual Palm Sunday celebration that recalls the traditional Jewish Seder and the Lord’s Last Supper. Committee members plan the décor, help to recruit the cook and servers, sell tickets, purchase or solicit supplies/food, and prepare the haroses and other items for the ritual. Committee members also help with the set-up and clean-up for the event. The parish choir and youth organizations support the event by sharing their time and talents to enhance the ritual.
St. Ignatius of Loyola Food Pantry
It is a federally funded Emergency Food program available to those in need living in the19104 zip code. Once a person has shown identification and applied for help they can then pick up a bag of groceries once a month. The committee meets every Tuesday from 10am to 12pm. Donations of food are given to them throughout the year for various donors and organizations including the Archdiocese Nutritional Department. There are a total of 300ppl that are fed each month. For Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas Special food packages are given out to those who have been coming to the program for a year. They also sponsor a community Thanksgiving dinner the Tuesday before Thanksgiving and for Easter and Christmas gifts are also given out along with the food packages.
Our Mother of Sorrows Outreach Program of St. Ignatius
As of September 1, 2017 the Our Mother of Sorrows Outreach Program will be closed. Anyone needing to sign up for emergency food may contact St. Ignatius Rectory at 215-386-5065.
Christmas Bazaar Committee
The Bazaar is a social fundraising event for the parish that is open to the entire community, including parishioners, students and families from our school. The Bazaar includes raffles, carnival games, shopping, vendors and pictures with Santa. The proceeds will benefit our community outreach and parish activities, including our soup kitchen, food bank, community meals and Youth Group.
Anointing of the Sick Committee
Twice a year the parish of Saint Ignatius of Loyola plans and participates in an Anointing of the Sick Mass. The Liturgy is celebrated for those who suffer from various serious illnesses. During the Mass those who attend receive the sacrament of Anointing of the Sick, along with special prayers for their intentions. Kendall Edwards is the current Chairperson and with eight other parishioners prepare these beautiful Liturgies for some of the neediest members of our community who do not always have the opportunity to activity participate in the mass due to their illnesses. At the conclusion of the Liturgy, participants are invited to join in a lite meal and are presented with a small religious gift to help remind them that are not suffering alone. The committee is always seeking new members of the parish to help in these important celebrations.
Revival Committee
The annual parish Revival has become an important and exciting tradition at St. Ignatius. It is an opportunity for us to come together as a parish to be uplifted through preaching, music and fellowship. It is also a great way to evangelize. The Revival committee works together to plan the annual spring revival. Working with the Pastor, we help select a revivalist, choose a theme and invite choirs to be a part of the event. The committee also plans fundraisers to help pay for the revival. The committee is always looking for new members to come and share their ideas.
Teens Loving Christ
This is our parish high school youth group and is open to all teens in high school. This group aims to teach our high school kids how to live out their faith amidst the challenges and obstacles they are faced with each day. We do many fun activities, service projects, hold fundraisers and of course we talk about God. All high school teens who participate are eligible to go on our summer youth trip to North Bay, Maryland which is truly an experience not to be missed. Located in the beautiful Chesapeake Bay area the kids have the opportunity to go rock climbing, try the ropes course, go swimming, tubing, canoeing, and activities like bonfires on the beach to name a few. TLC meets every Wednesday in the lower Church from 4-6.
Teens Loving Christ for grades 7-8
This group is open to all 7th and 8th graders of the parish and school. Teens do not need to be Catholic to participate. We will have fun activities, do service projects and share our faith. Teens will have a safe place to gather and grow in their faith. Meetings will be held on Thursday from 3:30pm to 4:45pm in the lower Church. Please call to register.
Parish Religious Education Program – (P.R.E.P.)
It is for every baptized child of the parish who does not attend Catholic school in grades K-6. Classes will begin after 10AM Mass from 11:30am to 12:45pm. All classes will be held in the school building. Please remember
Adult Bible Study
Have you heard that “Bible” stands for Basic Instructions before Leaving Earth? Howe well do you know your Bible? We have two great opportunities for you to grow in your knowledge of the scriptures. Our evening Bible study meets every Tuesday in the lower Church at 6:30pm. Our daytime Bible study meets on Tuesday at 12:00pm.

Children’s Liturgy
During the 10:00 Sunday, volunteer teens and adults provide alternative scripture readings with an age-appropriate homily for children in grades K-2nd grade.
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist
Extraordinary Ministers serve the faith community by distributing the consecrated bread and/or wine to Parishioners during Mass and to our homebound. Some ministers conduct Communion Services and visit residents in nursing homes.
Commentators & Lectors
Ministers of the Word proclaim Scripture readings to the assembled faith community during the Liturgy. They call together the congregation to prepare for Mass as well a present the Prayers of the Faithful. All Parishioners are welcome to become lectors and commentators. Individual training is provided for new lectors.
St. Ignatius Choir
The Choir serves faithfully each Sunday morning as worship leaders at the 10:00 AM Mass. They are committed to deepening the prayer life of the congregation through the art of music. In addition to its role in the spiritual life of the parish community, the choir sings an annual concert each year. Rehearsals are held on Sundays after Mass and Monday evenings, 7:30 - 9:00PM in the Church. Membership is open to high school students and adults.
Greeters / Ushers
The Greeter / Usher Ministry is a twofold ministry. First, they provide service to all those attending Saint Ignatius of Loyola Catholic Church. Greeters / Ushers greet you with a smile and are prepared to offer assistance in getting seated, directing you to where you need to go or offering a word of prayer when needed. Secondly, they provide a type of security for the Church, from the parking lot to the Sanctuary, and everywhere else in the Church. You can always find a Greeter / Usher nearby prepared to assist you.
Altar Servers
Altar Servers assist in the celebration of the Sunday and Feast Day Liturgies. Servers assist in setting up for liturgies and serve as book bearer, cross bearer or acolyte. Any child and teen after receiving the sacraments of First Penance and First Holy Communion can participate.