Adult Faith Formation
RCIA- Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults.
This is for any adult who would like to find out about the Catholic Church. Perhaps you have been baptized but need to complete the sacraments of initiation. Maybe you have never been baptized and would like to become a member of the Catholic Church. This is also for members of other faiths who would like to join the Catholic Church. Classes are in progress so please contact me right away if you are interested.
Adult Bible Study
Have you heard that ‘Bible’ stands for Basic Instructions before Leaving Earth? How well do you know your Bible? Believe me our Bible studies are NOT boring! Do you want to understand more fully what we believe and why we believe it? Do you want to meet great people, grow in your faith and have lots of fun doing it? We have two great opportunities for you to grow in your knowledge of the scriptures. Our evening Bible study meets every Tuesday in the lower Church at 6:30. Our daytime Bible study is held on Tuesdays at 12:00 in the St. Ignatius rectory. Did I mention that we always have great food?! Please call to register.
Adult Faith Opportunity
We all need to continue to learn and grow in our faith. This year we will look at Fr. Robert Barron’s renowned Catholicism series which gives us a visually stunning picture of our Church throughout the world through video. This is something you won’t want to miss. This is a ten week course that will meet on Saturday mornings and will be spread out throughout the year. Schedule to follow.
If you have an infant or young child please call the rectory schedule a meeting to fill out paperwork, find out about Godparents and to discuss the Sacrament of Baptism.